Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN) Pathway

Welcome to the IEN Program at St. Francis Xavier University!

The StFX Distance Nursing Program provides International Educated Nurses (IEN) the opportunity to complete baccalaureate level nursing courses that develop and cultivate nursing knowledge, skill, and judgement related to an individual’s identified competency gaps, provided by a Provincial/Territorial College of Nurses within Canada.

The StFX Distance Nursing Program Manager will review and assess each candidate’s RN competency gap list and provide course recommendations based on an individual’s competency gaps.

**Please note, the Distance Nursing programs are not eligible for any government student loan funding.

Start Dates

Full year, September 2023 - April 2024

Please note the Internationally Educated Nurses have five intake options in a calendar year, applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and StFX Online (formerly Continuing and Distance Education) will communicate with you which intake you will be considered for.

Introduction to Community Outreach

In Introduction to Community Outreach, participants will learn the fundamentals of how to engage with community in a way that is meaningful and impactful for all parties. CEI’s team of facilitators will introduce the idea of community outreach as one piece of a larger puzzle that also includes promotion and engagement, and help participants understand the intersections of how each piece works together. Participants will then have the chance to dive deeper in the “why” and “how” of community outreach, and explore various tools and approaches that can be applied to their own contexts. Individual module topics include: defining community outreach and engagement, understanding community needs and priorities, planning and purpose, forming meaningful partnerships, and measuring impact.

Dans le cadre de ce cours, les participants apprendront les principes de base qui leur permettront d’interagir avec la communauté d’une manière utile et efficace pour toutes les parties. L’équipe de facilitateurs du CEI leur proposera de considérer la sensibilisation communautaire comme une pièce d’un casse-tête qui comprend également la promotion et l’engagement. De plus, elle les aidera à comprendre comment chaque pièce s’emboîte les unes dans les autres. Les participants auront ensuite la chance d’en savoir davantage sur les raisons de faire de la sensibilisation communautaire et sur la façon de le faire. De plus, ils pourront examiner divers outils et approches qui peuvent être utilisés selon le contexte. Les sujets de chaque module comprennent les suivants : définition de la sensibilisation et de l’engagement communautaire, compréhension des besoins et des priorités de la communauté, planification et détermination des objectifs, établissement de partenariats fructueux et mesure des impacts.

Introduction to Health Equity

The NCCDH and Public Health Ontario (PHO) have collaborated to create and release this jointly branded online course regarding health equity. Developed with the support of a pan-Canadian advisory group of public health practitioners and researchers, this self-directed introductory course is designed to build the knowledge, skills and competencies of public health staff and managers to support action on health equity.

Offered both in English and French.

Leadership for Young Professionals

We hear about leadership all the time – in the contexts of our workplaces, governments, schools, and communities… but what is leadership really? This course is intended to support young professionals in the early stages of their careers (less than 5 years) in the workforce as they explore what leadership means to them in the context of their work and future goals. It will offer participants the chance to grow their understanding of what leadership means, explore their own personal strengths as leaders, learn new skills, and begin to think through how they can apply their leadership in the workplace. The facilitation style for this course is highly participatory, and prioritizes self-reflection and participant-driven learning. Course participants will be actively involved in shaping their own experience and should not expect a more traditional lecture-based classroom. Benefits of the Program: After nine weeks, participants will come away with a deeper understanding of leadership and a personal inventory of their own strengths as a leader. They'll have learned new skills and strategies for practicing holistic leadership in the workplace from experts and from their peers, including how to create safer and welcoming workplaces; handle difficult discussions; facilitate workshops; and prioritize self and community care within the work environment. Throughout the course, participants will also work to identify how to apply their learnings, adapt the skills they've learned to suit their own personal leadership styles, and use their strengths in leadership to take them from where they are to wherever they want to go - making an impact on what matters to them. Benefits to the Participant's Organization: The participant's organization will benefit from the participant's increased leadership skills and the participant will be encouraged to share their learnings surrounding facilitation, leadership, anti-oppressive practices, etc. with others in their workplace.

Leading and Building Effective Teams

Teams are becoming a staple in today's workplace. In this course, you will learn the components of a successful team and the stages of its development. You will master the skills you will need to effectively manage projects, make decisions, and solve problems in a team setting. Plus, you will have a chance to learn the pitfalls of unhealthy group interaction and minimize any of its effects on your team.

Along the way, you will follow real-life examples and scenarios to help you identify with the team-building process. There's a lot more to it than just getting several people together in a room at the same time. Are you eager to develop your leadership qualities and be a quality team participant? Many of today's teams rotate leadership roles, so it's crucial to understand both perspectives as you learn the best ways to communicate and work together for positive change.

Learning Equity, Learning Excellence - All Modules

Background and Goals:

StFX recognizes that we are stronger when we honour our differences. Valuing and promoting equity, diversity and inclusion creates a campus community where we support the needs and aspirations of our students, faculty and staff by being creative, adaptable and inclusive in our practice and policies. We provide opportunities to members of all communities to participate, engage and belong.

The Transforming Practice: Learning Equity, Learning Excellence curriculum aims to address an existing gap in professional development opportunities for faculty and student services professionals in higher education in Nova Scotia. 

Licenses & Certifications Overview

Below you will find links to external resources containing valuable informatoin on Nursing Certification and Licensing in Canada, which may greatly assist you during your transition into the Nova Scotia Health Care System. 


Adult, Pediatric, & Neonatal Certifications Links:

Canadian Nurses Association: CNA National Certification  

Heart & Stroke Foundation: CPR

Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (via Heart & Stroke): ACLS

Trauma Nursing Core Course (via Emergency Nurses Association, ENA): TNCC

Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses: ATCN

 Pediatric Advanced Life Support (via Heart & Stroke): PALS

Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course (via ENA): ENPC

 Neonatal Resuscitation Program (via Canadian Pediatrics Society): NRP

Acute Care of at-Risk Newborns (via Canadian Pediatrics Society): ACoRN

Advances in Labour and Risk Management (via The Society of Obsetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada): ALARM

College of Nurses:

College of Nurses of Ontario: CNO


LPN - BScN (Online) Program

Welcome to Distance Nursing Studies at St. Francis Xavier University!

We are delighted that you have chosen St. Francis Xavier University as the provider of your undergraduate nursing education and are excited to share that Cape Breton University and St. Francis Xavier University have partnered on a pathway for qualified LPNs to apply to BScN.

Start Dates

Cohorts begin each Spring (late April/early May).

Deadline to Apply:

February 1, 2024

Maîtrise en éducation en français - Master of Education in French

La Faculté d’éducation à St. Francis Xavier University est ravie d’annoncer le retour de son programme de Maîtrise en éducation en français! Ce diplôme de deuxième cycle est offert en réponse aux intérêts croissants des parties prenantes – les membres francophones et francophiles de la profession enseignante et les acteurs.trices concerné.e.s en milieux scolaires acadien, francophone et immersif. Notre Maîtrise en éducation (option cours), avec concentration « Français, langue d’enseignement et d’apprentissage » se donne entièrement en français et vise le perfectionnement des connaissances théoriques et pratiques en éducation afin d’outiller les participant.e.s dans l’exercice de leur profession. Le programme vise également l’épanouissement de la pratique professionnelle dans les contextes spécifiques de langue française (acadien, francophone minoritaire et immersion française).

The Faculty of Education at St. Francis Xavier University is pleased to announce the return of its Master of Education program in French! This graduate degree is offered in response to the growing interest of stakeholders: Francophone and Francophile members of the teaching profession and relevant stakeholders in Acadian, Francophone and Immersion schools. Our Master of Education (course option), with a concentration in "French as a language of teaching and learning" is offered entirely in French and aims to improve theoretical and practical knowledge in education to better equip participants in their teaching practice. The program also aims to develop professional practice in specific French language contexts (Acadian, minority Francophone milieu and French Immersion).

Maîtrise en éducation avec concentration « Français, langue d’enseignement et d’apprentissage » (Été 2023 – Été 2025) New cohort starting July 2023

Maple League Micro-Certificate in Teaching and Learning

The Maple League Micro-Certificate in Teaching and Learning is a nine-month program for faculty at all stages of their careers. Join an intimate cohort of passionate educators from across the Maple League to build an innovative, reflective pedagogical practice. Available to full-time and part-time faculty and staff on any Maple League Campus. Registration takes place once a year, during the month of September.

Start Your Journey