January 18 - March 21, 2024
Application deadline: November 24, 2023
Online Delivery
Facilitators: Addy Strickland and Alaa Salih
We hear about leadership all the time – in the contexts of our workplaces, governments, schools, and communities… but what is leadership really?
This course is intended to support young professionals in the early stages of their careers (less than 5 years) in the workforce as they explore what leadership means to them in the context of their work and future goals. It will offer participants the chance to grow their understanding of what leadership means, explore their own personal strengths as leaders, learn new skills, and begin to think through how they can apply their leadership in the workplace.
The facilitation style for this course is highly participatory, and prioritizes self-reflection and participant-driven learning. Course participants will be actively involved in shaping their own experience, and should not expect a more traditional lecture-based classroom.
Course participants can expect to spend approximately 3-4 hours per week, over nine weeks, completing coursework and participating in seven weekly online sessions that will occur on Thursdays from 1 to 3 pm (Atlantic Time). Attendance at online sessions is mandatory to pass the course—please note that this course cannot be completed asynchronously.
This program is designed for young professionals aged 18-34 in Canada, who consider themselves to be in the early stages of their careers. For the sake of this course, we’re defining “early career” as having five or fewer years of experience in the workforce outside of school. (Participants do not need to be currently employed).
The tuition fee for this course is $300 CAD. Coady Institute strives to ensure change leaders working in communities around the world have access to its courses. This is made possible through the provision of bursaries that are funded by many individual and institutional donors. A limited number of Full bursaries are available for First Nations, Métis and Inuit persons residing in Canada as well as persons from African Nova Scotian communities. Applicants will be able to express their interest in obtaining a bursary during the application process.
Full bursaries are also available from the Centre for Employment Innovation (CEI) for eligible applicants from the Nova Scotia Works system. Applicants from Nova Scotia who are engaged in employment services or social innovation activities to alleviate poverty, strengthen livelihoods, and create more equitable employment and entrepreneurial opportunities with and for systemically oppressed groups may also be eligible.
Applications will be accepted until November 24, 2023. Apply now.
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