Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada

DEVS 405:10 Community-Based Development: Strategies and Practice


(Fall CRN: 57388)This interdisciplinary program in development studies examines the local and global social, economic, political, ecological and cultural contexts in which development takes place. Students engage with the theory and practice of development, explore issues that pertain to social justice, and learn about different approaches and initiatives, including the Antigonish Movement and the work of the Coady International Institute. Students are prepared to pursue careers related to development or to integrate what they learn in whatever other career path they choose to pursue. Students may complete an honours with subsidiary, a joint advanced major or a joint major in development studies and another subject, a subsidiary or a minor in development studies. In addition, students may pair DEVS courses or take them as electives to gain a different perspective. Students who intend to pursue development studies, or to gain some understanding of what the program has to offer, are strongly encouraged to take DEVS 101 in their first year. Students graduating with honours, joint advanced major or joint major in development studies and another subject must complete ECON 101 and 102 during the course of their degree. These six credits are treated as electives. A three-credit social science research methods course is required for students graduating with an honours or joint advanced major degree. These three credits are also treated as electives. To satisfy prerequisite requirements, students should take at least one of the following during their first year: ANTH 111/112, PSCI 101/102, SOCI 101/102. As well, it is recommended that students graduating with honours, joint advanced major or joint major in development studies gain competency in a second language relevant to their studies (e.g., French or Spanish). Note: For honours, joint advanced major and joint major, no more than 12 credits of development studies cross-listed or designated courses (see below) may be in a single subject. Also, none of the development studies cross-listed or designated courses may be in the student’s other declared subject


Learning Methods

Technology Requirements

Who should take this course

Current StFX Students

Non - Degree or Visiting Students

Price: $0.00

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