(Summer CRN 23037) Scholars often position the United States and the Hispanic world as being antithetical. In reality, these two diverse entities have a complex, shared past, which often overlapped and produced both tensions and moments of emulation. HIST 294 will explore this history from the colonial period to the present. Topics under discussion will include the Spanish colonization of the Americas, U.S.-Spanish relations during the Revolutionary War, interactions in the Spanish-American borderlands, U.S. incursions into Latin America, the Spanish-American War, Hispanic immigration to the United States, the impact of Spanish art and architecture, and U.S. investment throughout Latin America. Three credits.
Step 2: Follow the prompts after you complete the above step. Please contact admissions@stfx.ca if you have questions.
Visiting Students:
Step 1: Fill out a Letter of Permission (LOP) form from your Home Institution (contact your university's Registrar's Office)
Step 2: Ensure the desired course works for your degree. Consult with your Department Chair/Dean/Registrar to ensure that the credits will count toward your degree or graduation, and have them sign off on your LOP.
Step 3: Send the forms to the proper Registrars:
Email your completed LOP to the Registrar at your university as well as the university at which you will be taking the course(s).