Women leaders across the globe are dealing with dispossession from resources, capabilities, and a form of discursive ‘development’ which is deeply rooted in a capitalist and patriarchal order. In the current milieu – as women leaders face further marginalization, cultural exclusivity, and the Covid-19 pandemic – we offer this online discourse hinged on power, patriarchy, and justice to support and facilitate a process of enhanced critical thinking and alternatives towards feminist ecological justice. This course aims to inspire and empower people of all genders across the world to engage in purposeful and justice-oriented leadership, and to design ways to inculcate processes, systems, and structures towards the above issues in the communities you are engaged with. Apart from leading towards a better world, and taking on leadership with more content, strategies, and with more conviction and confidence, the course is geared to improving our homes, workplaces, societies, and states. In this seven-week course, we will focus on a political understanding of gender, power, and patriarchy in the current milieu. We will also delve into leadership not just as a discourse but also as a lived alternative. We will work to understand, critique, and explore various progressive alternatives of change and justice. We will look into various leadership models and draw lessons from the feminist movement.
Benefits and Learning Objectives: In this course, you will: Understand concepts of sex, gender and intersectionality; patriarchy and feminism; power and empowerment; feminist leadership models; and complexities and pluralities of feminist interventions. Reflect on your purpose as a leader. Learn practical tools and strategies for moving the complex notion of justice and equity. Network with an inspired group of women to de/construct approaches that break down gender-oriented barriers and constraints limiting community well-being, agency, and autonomy. By attending this course your organization will be able to: Develop a sound understanding of the way forward for achieving gender equality and advancing women’s leadership, both in terms of opportunities as well as emerging challenges from your specific context. Delve into and critique strategies for a community–centered response to the challenges and opportunities including social inclusion and leadership of women, youth, Indigenous people, and other historically under-represented groups.
Course Dates, Delivery and Time Requirements: Course Dates September 16th to November 1st, 2024 Presentations, Study Circle and speakers. Blended Asynchronous and Synchronous with weekly synchronous sessions on zoom sessions Learning Methods: Using Zoom and Moodle (Online learning platform), This course will use blended model of delivery which includes a combination of weekly live sessions, asynchronous learning activities, and independent work time. Participants are expected to engage with their peers in the online space to complete course assignments. As a participant in this course, you should be prepared to dedicate 6-8 hours per week over the course of seven weeks.
Technology Requirements: Reliable internet access (high speed is recommended) Speakers and microphone.
Who should take this course: This course is open to people of all ages and backgrounds who are able to demonstrate the ways they are currently engaged in local development in their respective countries. The strength of this course is in the diversity of people across all gender identities. The rainbow coalition of ages, nationalities, family responsibilities, education, religions, orientation, ethnicities, and working lives creates a dynamic context for learning. Women who are leaders and those who aspire to ignite their leadership potential are welcome.
Tuition Fees for the course are $1,500. Coady Institute strives to ensure that practitioners and community members workings toward community led development around the world have access to its courses. This is made possible through the provision of bursaries that are funded by many individual and institutional donors. Partial bursaries of $1,100, to a maximum of 20 per course, are available for practitioners and community members. Those receiving a bursary will be responsible for paying the balance of $400 CAD before the designated deadline. Full bursaries are available for First Nations, Métis and Inuit community members residing in Canada, and members from African Nova Scotian communities and Nova Scotians of African descent.
When and how to apply: Applications close September 2nd, 2024. If you wish to apply, please click on the button below.
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